Apr 8, 2012

My life... PART 1

I know this is a health and fitness blog but I thought I would tell you about the first part of my life. I was born on Feb 27th, My parents are Jodie and Michael and my older sister Samantha who was already born. I was born into a Big family mum being italian they always have big families and mum having a big family too! As a kid and I say I am the same to this day im a very bubbly and happy person mum always tells me as a baby I was the same! I was someone who hated being bored and settling down so from 5 years I was doing sport and I did heaps of sports for ages, netball soccer swimming athletics and hockey were some of my favourites. As a kid I wasnt concerned at all about my body weight and sometimes I wish I could go back in time not worrying. My parents made sure I was active and had a good diet. My sister and I are very alike so we got on very well and still do, we were always there for each other. A year after I was born my brother Jake was born and Sam and I always babied him and we still do hes our little baby boo boo!! All us siblings are all so alike! At school our parents made sure we got good grades we had tutor every 2 weeks, we tried hard to get good grades at school, Jake was always the naughty one Sam and I were angels. Primary school was one of the best periods of my life met amazing people and made great friends! Xx Jessica

Part 2 coming soon

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