Apr 30, 2012

The issues of life STAY STRONG

Something I tell my clients my family friends and my young cousins is you have to believe in yourself and put yourself first and be truly happy with yourself, its so important. I had the hardest time with this I appeared like i was cool and fine but I have always put so much pressure on myself its just how I am. As a kid I was good and running and in our athletics carnivals I had my peers expect me to go out and smash it my family, my dad would get me out running 3x a week this was with sports training as well so I was fit, he pushed me he gave me tips he believed in me he was my biggest motivator. He just wanted me to win and as much as this being a great thing it added to the pressure he did the same with my sister and brother who were good at swimming. Before a race as small as 100m sprint I would feel sick I couldnt sit still a few times I cried im a passionate and emotional person and I put that into what ever I did. I still had self doubt I couldnt stand at the line and say to myself common do your best I always had the thought of loosing. I drill into everyone close to me that you can do it nothing can stop you. It felt like the end of the world when I lost a 400m race everyone was expecting me to win mum dad but i came 3rd I was devostated I started crying I felt sick but at this moment I thought this is good I have only lost a few races im a good runner I lost so what I gained confidence in myself I went up to the girl who came first and congratulated her. It was like a switch had switched and I felt proud and dad was still proud. Im so competitive still and i still do have some self doubt issues but it has improved im no sore loser anymore I tell people not to be a sore loser be happy with what you come its not the end of the world. Xx Jessica

Apr 27, 2012

Updated eating plan

My diet plan has changed since last time so I wanted to share it with my readers im not saying its the best diet plan EVER but it works for me and keeps me healthy!

5:30-8:30- Weetbix with soy or almond milk
Sultana Bran with soy or almond milk
Just Right with soy or almond milk
Museli with soy or almond milk

5:30-8:30- With breakfast I usally have a black coffee or sometimes a green tea
9:30-11- small bag of on the go nuts
no sugar low fat yoghurt
Piece of fruit
12-2-Chicken salad
tuna salad
Rye bread sandwhich with chicken or ham or meat from the night before and salad
Wholegrain wrap with same as above
Leftovers from night before
3-4- If I do a workout after work I will have a post workout shake
make a mini fruit salad
6-8- I like to eat chicken or fish for dinner and sometimes a red meat like lamb or beef I like to include colourful vegies with lots of health benefits I also usally include salad with my dinner
7-8- fruit salad with a spoon of yoghurt
I rarely eat this meal though

8-9- Green tea or any type of herbal tea

This is my eating plan and I dont have to try hard to keep to it because its how I naturally eat but sometimes on certain days it will change. Too some people this will seem like not a great eating plan but it works for me I seem to have alot of energy and I feel good so it works for me! Thanks for reading xx Jessica

Apr 22, 2012

It aint easy

Changing a lifestyle is hard you are changing what you are use to, changing from a lifestyle that includes unhealthy foods and limited exercise to healthy eating and exercising reguarly is a big change. People who start this find it hard to keep motivated and thats why I think you should have a personal trainer to keep you on track, of course some people dont have that money. You need to get information if your not going to have a personal trainer know the foods that are good for you know what to stay away from find out what exercises are good for parts of the body. You need to cook basic foods if you are unsure of dishes to make cook raw vegies always safe also add lots of colours and make you eat your greens. Eating healthy and working out can be hard but think its your life depending on it. If you dont have a PT do it with a friend or a family member that is sure to keep you motivated. Its hard it can be hell but its doing your body good. So never ever give up xx Jessica

Apr 17, 2012

Treat Yourself

Health and fitness is tough to stick to, people quit easily! A thing to make you keep going is treating yourself! If you have reached a goal doing something for yourself! To keep going you need to see change and feel good about yourself, what I mean by treat yourself is make yourself feel good, whether it is getting your nails done, getting a massage, going out with mates, having a glass of wine on a saturday night out, I dont mean get a large bag of chips and pig out NO WAY! Do something that will make you feel great and know that you are doing it because you have done something well such as lost 5kg or reached your goal weight, worked out every day of the week whatever you are proud of yourself for. I tell my clients to do this because its helping your mind. Xx Jessica

Apr 8, 2012


Primary school was one of the times of my life, High school seemed a scary though bigger school communtity new teachers new faces. My sister was already there and she loved it better than primary school. I had alot of friends that went to primary school with me but over time that changed I was making loads of new friends and having fun. Over time I had self doubt issues and wasnt liking who I was. I knew I wasnt fat that wasnt the issue it was im not pretty enough. This caused so many fights with my parents we wern't aloud to wear makeup to school but I saw all the other girls did so I tried it and I felt better about myself with makeup, my parents were strict about no makeup to school but I chose not listen. On weekends I would put so much makeup on I looked so much older I just wasnt happy. This issue went on for 2 years until my nonno passed away, this was devostating For about 2 months after I would cry myself to sleep. He was a wonderful man and was always smiling and happy even when he was sick. He fought through so much he tried to get through cancer but it got the best of him. This was a life changing moment im just like why am I worrying about how pretty I am people are going through much worse things. I taught myself to think I am beautiful I dont need makeup to make me beautiful. My nonno was and is the biggest inspiration in my life. If you think you are not beautiful YOU ARE! I can walk around without makeup and it doesnt bother me somedays I dont even wear makeup to work maybe some mascara and foundation and lipgloss but some days I do like to wear a face of makeup but the point is you can change if you want to! Xx

PART 3 coming soon

My life... PART 1

I know this is a health and fitness blog but I thought I would tell you about the first part of my life. I was born on Feb 27th, My parents are Jodie and Michael and my older sister Samantha who was already born. I was born into a Big family mum being italian they always have big families and mum having a big family too! As a kid and I say I am the same to this day im a very bubbly and happy person mum always tells me as a baby I was the same! I was someone who hated being bored and settling down so from 5 years I was doing sport and I did heaps of sports for ages, netball soccer swimming athletics and hockey were some of my favourites. As a kid I wasnt concerned at all about my body weight and sometimes I wish I could go back in time not worrying. My parents made sure I was active and had a good diet. My sister and I are very alike so we got on very well and still do, we were always there for each other. A year after I was born my brother Jake was born and Sam and I always babied him and we still do hes our little baby boo boo!! All us siblings are all so alike! At school our parents made sure we got good grades we had tutor every 2 weeks, we tried hard to get good grades at school, Jake was always the naughty one Sam and I were angels. Primary school was one of the best periods of my life met amazing people and made great friends! Xx Jessica

Part 2 coming soon

Apr 5, 2012

That one damn food

Everyone has that one food that you just love, as healthy as I am I have that one food I love and crave no its no chocolate or lollies or chips its nutella! I love nutella as a kid I use to love it once a week on Saturday as my treat I would have nutella on toast! My parents didnt mind I was fairly active, I did soccer swimming and athletics so it was my treat! I dont have it once a week but once in a while I will have nutella on toast my fave! You will have that food that you just love im not saying you cant eat it but just limit yourself and dont make it a regular thing. Xx Jessica

Happy Easter

Happy Easter! Many kids love this time of the year but so do many adults! I personally love this time of the year to be with my family and celebrate, I always treat myself for the hard work I have done! I limit myself too how many I eat and so should you! Its ok to treat yourself but dont binge on chocolate. What to do with all those Easter eggs you get, something that I do is I keep some and then yes its hard to do but throw the rest away. I have a really big family and if we bought eggs for every single person each would end up with heaps of eggs so now we mainly just give $10 but I still end up with some chocolate! So have a good Easter dont eat too much chocolate and if you are in WA watch out double demerits! Xx Jessica

Apr 2, 2012

Nothing Like a Good old Battle!!

This week with 8 of my clients im doing a competion! Im so not a fan of same old training and I thought lets make this fun and make a competion! Each day 3 people will be elimenated. On the last day 3 will be left and the winner will win an ipad and cant forget bragging rights! This is not only a change to what they are use to and so much fun but also can make them train harder, I know that when I train with someone I feel some much more motivated instead of 100% I give it 110%, I think it will be tough because they are all great but will be really good fun to watch and im telling you they are going to go through a whole 2 hours of hell. Im not giving an ipad away for a little amount of effort its going to be hard but they are use to it! If you are a PT then try something like this it will make them train there ass's off but they will enjoy! Xx Jessica