Jun 11, 2012

You Still Have to Have FUN!

Watching your weight or living a healthy lifestyle doesn't you cant go out for dinner or have a night with friends. So many people think you can't do this. I tell my clients you can still go out but choose the healthy option, all restaurants have healthy things on there menu and they taste amazing too. Whether it is a steak and chips and salad ask for potato instead or just leave some of your chips or it could be some sort of pasta chose a tomato based pasta instead of creamy. You wont feel like you are missing out. Another thing I tell my clients who are not trying to loose weight is the rule of one treat meal a week, I do this as well. I usally do alot of social things with friends and family on weekends and even during the week but I usally save my treat meal to the weekend. I plan around that meal. Say if I know im going out to dinner on Saturday with friends I will say right I will have my treat meal then and If I know im going to mums the next day for lunch unfortunatly I have to miss out on dessert! For a treat meal have whatever you want if you want a creamy pasta dish or a cheese burger from maccas or a cremé brulé HAVE IT! its a treat meal but make sure you work out the next day! This is way of still having fun a glass of wine or a beer and have you deserve it after a week if eating well and exercising! Thanks for reading Xx Jessica

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