Jun 19, 2012

My Family!

Family... Some of the most important people in everyones life. What does Family have to do with health and fitness you may be thinking, They bring happiness and happiness is a big part of health.
To me my family are the most important people in my life They are always there for me and support me in everything, they also give me there opinion on things and kick me into line when needed. I have a big family my mums side is Italian and my dads side is Australian most of mums family live in WA and same with dads. Im very close with everyone both sides of family get on so well we are like 1 big family. They are people that always can make me smile. I feel like It is a good thing to catch up once a week and thats what we do. Your family should be people you can Turn to.
My boyfriend who I have been with for 2 years now has been super amazing. I met him when I was out one night at a bar and I played the hard to get girl but from the moment we started talking I knew he was a great guy. We are so a
like, Im a tomboy at heart Im a personal trainer I love to exercise, love sport ANY SPORT, Surfing and the beach, we share the same hobbies so we have a great relationship and I love him so much!

Thanks for reading! Prt 2 coming soon! Xx Jessica

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