Jul 16, 2012

Health and Fitness tag!

Today I have a special guest on my blog, my bestfriend Ashleigh Thomas and today we are doing the health and fitness tag!

How fit would you consider yourself to be?
ASH: I think I would be around a 7 out of 10, I workout 5-6 days a week once a day and considering my bff is miss Jessica who is a PT uh I think im kind of forced to stay in shape but thats a good thing.

JESS: I think im pretty fit being a personal trainer I have to be fit my life is around fitness and health. I workout 6 days a week usally 2 times a day morning and afternoon.

Are you happy with the shape you are in?
ASH: Yes! it took me a while to get to my goal weight and im at so yeah bro no one can tell me im fat because I dont care im friggin happy

JESS: Totally am I have worked years to get where my body is and im still trying to improve it but im at my goal
weight like ash so im not trying to shed any kilos.

Do You play any sports?
ASH: Yep I do! I play the best sport in the world netball go try it kids best sport its my number 1 hobby!

JESS: No I dont I use to play a ton as a kid but now I just workout im no netball freak like Ash.

What is your favourite exercise/s?
ASH: Sort of answered before netball game and netball training I also love cycling and running and I love doing boxing with Jess

JESS: my number one favourite thing to do is boxing I do love boxing with Ash its always so much fun and I love boxing with my boyfriend to. I also love to run swim and bike ride.

How dedicated are you in terms of exercising?
ASH: Im would say pretty dedicated I always make myself go to the gym or go for a run even if I don't really want to and I think I have become more dedicated over the years.

JESS: I am dedicated I make sure every week day morning that I get up early enough to fit in a morning workout because it gets me ready for the day and I do 2 workouts 5 days a week!!!

What is your least favourite exercise?

ASH: Mine I know 100% its rowing we are worst enimes we have world war 3 going on I just find it hard and so boring!

JESS: Mine would be leg press!! It is so painful and the next day my legs kill!!!

How important is leading a healthy and active lifestyle for you?
ASH: it's pretty damn important I eant that great bikini body not that girl that everyone looks and I like to feel positive about my body!

JESS: 100% important I no way want to die early I want to live a long amazing life and of course every girl want a hot bikini bod and as Ash said I do like to feel good about my body.

Do you pay attention to how healthy your eating?
ASH: I do try and eat healthy all the time Jess has always told me a 80/20 diet is the best and it is! I don't record what I eat I just make healthy choices

JESS: Yes im a PT and I tell my clients how to eat healthily so of course I am. 80/20 diets are the bomb if you just want a healthy lifestyle not to shed kilos 80/20 is what I live by!

Do you smoke alot once in a while once before or not at all?
ASH: Hell yeah I smoke at least 2 packs a day... JOKING! NO it ewwwies I will never smoked and never will

JESS: Smoking is gross I have never smoked EVER and I never plan on trying it!

Well thankyou for reading this hope you enjoyed its something a bit different and I got to do it with my bestfriend Ash! Go follow this girl on twitter @AshieLThomas! and if you do this tag make sure you let me read send it to me through twitter @JessMalaholin Xxx

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