May 16, 2012

Outdoor Workout

You dont need no fancy gym to workout! You guys have no clue about how many times of heard someone say "I havent worked out before because I dont have the money to afford going to a gym". THAT IS AN EXCUSE! you dont need a damn gym! To be honest I 100% prefer being outdoors doing a workout than being in a gym and guess what its free! With my clients I dont train them everyday so I somedays take them outdoors and do and outdoor workout with them so they dont slack off when im not training them! I love a good morning beach run its one of my favourite things to do on a Saturday or Sunday I love waking up getting my workout gear on and going for a bare foot run on the beach with my music playing. Somedays I wakeup early and run and watch the sunrise come up on the beach. With myself and with clients I like to go to the closet park and do an old school hardcore workout including sprints,situps,pushups,burpies and at home and at the gym I workout we have sandbags so I include them in the workout, OH and cant forget the good old dreaded army crawl crowd fave uhhh not! Another type of workout is a boxing workout pick up a set of boxing gloves and you need a workout partner for this, My partner is usally my boyfriend who does boxing sessions at least 2x a week! So he is great to set up workouts for me and motivate me I suggest you chose someone really motivating! I get my boyfriend to hold the gloves for me why I punch. I do this at my local park but its easy enough to do it in your backyard. When I do this with clients and with my boyfriend I include other exercises as well such as pushups ect. I love including leg kicks as well great for toning the leg. Cycling is fun and great workout I love to do it with a group of clients or a group of friends. Somethong that I do sometimes is ride a few kms get off and do 15 burpies and repeat a few times changing the exercise every time, good to change it up. These are only a few suggestions so get active no excuses! Xx Jessica

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