Mar 31, 2012

plan plan plan

Planing is the key to a healthy lifestyle, exercise and diet needs to be planned. Every sunday I plan what exercise I am doing for the week and plan roughly the diet I will be eating. Im not a believer in having a strict diet plan I just roughly plan eg. I might say that for dinner I want to include chicken so then I come up with something that includes chicken. I know alot of you probably go out and dont know what your going to eat that is the same with me, what I try and do is I try and stick to healthy things but of course you are aloud some treats! I make sure that i just have a killer workout tge next day. You also have to plan your exercise. I only plan one workout a day and that is in the morning, but that doesnt mean I cant do more I usally do do more because I love it. People say to me why arent I loosing weight I say you are not planning start planning be organised and you will notice a big difference, try it!!! Xx Jessica

By the way if you want me to blog about something that you need help with or want to know more about it ask me on twitter @JessMalaholin

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