Mar 28, 2012

Just Loveee

Being a personal trainer I dont just train the body i train the most amazing part of the body... the mind! Many many people turn to eating junk food and living an unhealthy lifestyle for many different reasons. I have had to deal with lots of people in lots of different mental states. One big thing is other peoples opinions and other peoples hate towards you. Dont worry about them who are they to judge you if people are talking smack about you who cares they no way deserve to be a part of your life. Its a part of life people just say mean things and it can hurt but you just have to try and not let it affect you. Instead of eating junk and not getting off your ass, forget about it get the people out of your life and go workout!! As much as I say this i also know that you might talk smack about people to LETS STOP RIGHT NOW! you hurt other people and that is no good thing so lets JUST LOVE and be happy positive people Xx Jessica

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