Feb 24, 2012

Tip for a Healthy Diet

Healthy eating shouldn't be about being really skinny I think it should be about feeling great about your body having more energy and keeping yourself as healthy as possible, being fit and healthy. This can be achieved by learning about the nutrition basics and using them in a way that works for you.  Eating healthy begins with being educated with learing how to eat smart. Some people think that if you eat healthy you can eat as much as you want WRONG its also about how you eat. What you and the foods you choose to eat reduce you chance of getting illnesses such as heart disease cancer and diabetes

Set yourself up for success:

Simplify: Instead of being so overly concerned with counting calories and measuring portion sizes think of adding clour variety and freshness to your diet. This way you are setting yourslef up to have a great healthy diet and you are amking it easy for yourslef. Focus on finding that you love (that are healthy) and easy recipesa that incorporate fresh ingredients. Gradually your diet will become so much healthier and more delicious.

Start Slowly: Trying to make your diet healthy overnight is ridiculous not smart and unrealistic. Changing everything at once usally from my experience leads to giving up on your new eating plan. Take small steps like adding salad full of different colour vegies to your diet once a day or switch from butter  to olive oil when cooking. Your small changes will become a habbit then add more healthy things to your diet.

Every Chnge Matters: You will probably never have a perfect diet. You dont have to completely eliminate the foods you enjoy to have a healthy diet. Mine and many other peoples goal is to have a long term goal which mine and I think others should be to feel good, have more energy and reduce risk of cancer and disease. If you have a misstep dont let it derail you get back on track staright away. EVERY HEALTHY FOOD CHOICE YOU MAKE COUNTS!

My second tip will be uploaded soon...

 Keep checking my blog for tip 2!! xx Jessica

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