Mar 30, 2012

Self Confidence

Lots of Women and Men just dont have self confidence. As much as this sound like it has nothing to do with health and fitness it does, its not healthy to hate everything about yourself. No one in this world will be fully happy with themselves but you can still love other things about yourself. Im going to tell you about a personal experience about myself not having self confidence. When i was younger I think I was in my teens around 15, and i just hated everything about myself I was so unhappy. I had so many fights with my mum because my school had a no makeup policy and I would see all these other beautiful girls who wore makeup, I felt ugly so I wore it to school mum saw i got in so much trouble. On the weekend I would pile on the makeup to feel beautiful. How I was feeling inside was horrible, I would on a happy face be my bubbly self but I wasnt feeling like that. When I was in my last year of school, the sadest thing in my life happened my nonno died from cancer I find this so hard to talk about. He was my role model he was an amazing person he loved life was always happy and he was still like this to the day he passed away. About a month after this I realised why the hell am I worried about how pretty I look, people are much worse off than me, im going to change be happy with myself and I knew it wouldnt happen overnight but in whatever I do I put in 100% so I tried. Every morning I got up said Thankyou for my life to God, I still do that. I stuck a quote in a frame and hung it on my wall which said Live Love and Laugh that is the quote that changed my life I now have it tattooed on my foot, then I would look into the mirror and say I am beautiful. Doing all this I now feel confident and extremly happy and its all thanks to my amazing nonno. As much as wish he was still here hes not and I just have to try and accept that but he is in my mind every single day every workout he is my motivation. Self Confidence is a really
hard thing to find you just have to search then your whole life will do a 360 from unhappy life to happy life. There are still things I would like to change like being taller is the main thing but I cant change it so I just got to accept. Hope this helped you and try and change to positive thinking Xx Jessica

Love and miss you Nonno but you are always with me

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