Jan 20, 2012

What you should eat and what you should stay away from

Food is something we need to survive, If we didnt eat we would die. We need to make sure we are feeding our bodies the right fooods there are so many bad processed sugary and fatty foods out there that if you keep eating you are sending yourself to an early gravel. When I buy something on the packaging I will look at the sugar and fat content, I dont really buy packaged things though. For me my diet is very strict and I make up a healthy eating plan every week and i follow it and if I know im going out in the week I will make sure I plan around that and its ok to ocasionally have something unhealthy.

Foods you should eat-  Fruit and vegies I would say are by far the most important remember to go for 2&5 everday, fruit and veg have so my nutrience I make sure everyday I will have ta least 2&5. Lean meat I include for iron and protien I do eat alot of chicken, one of my favourite things to do with meat is to make up my own marinade I only make my own I dont by already marinaded products. When you make your own you know what you are putting in. I like to make my meat tasty not plain and boring. You should include milk into your diet for calcium to give you strong bones if you dont you have a higher chance of getting osteoperosis. The milk I drink is either skim or hilo i have both in my house, If you dont want normal milk you should atleast have almond, rice or soy milk all good for you and you are still getting calcium. Fish you can eat as well if you dont want to eat meat but I eat both and I like to be adventurous with both. Pasta is a good food to have sometimes but not all the times I usally have it every 2 weeks, because my family is italian I  grew up eating alot of pasta and i absoloutly love pasta but i just cant eat it all the time and when I do I try and make it healthy but still taste great, When i go to nona's i get to great myself! Grains are really a must in your diet, you are gettig grains if you eat wholemeal bread, that is the only bread I will eat because it is one of the healthiest. Chia seeds are great to have I make chia panckaes sometimes and they are much more healthy than the normal pancakes.

Food you shouldnt eat- A massive no go zone is bought processed rubbish it all usally contains so much fat sugar and salt make your own healthy treats and food you dont need to buy processed things dont be lazy and make things yourself. Stay away from really fatty foods like cream, fatty meats and most cheeses use milk instead of cream or just stay away all together. Fizzy drinks STAY AWAY they contain so much sugar some contain up to 8 teaspoons of sugar some even contain more when you are drinking it think what it is doing to your insides. Salty foods are some of the worst like salty chips if you keep eating them you are going to become overweight very quickly. Lollies and chocolate I know for some people it may be hard but just think if you eat to much you are going to become overweight its ok as a treat sometimes but limit yourself to how much you eat. Fast foods and takeaway make your own food so much fat and oil is put into fast food, sometimes you amy be so tired and think its the only option its not, some nights you may have leftovers freeze them and  take it out when needed REMEMBER STAY AWAY FROM FAT SUGAR AND TAKEAWAY FOODS! XX JESSICA

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