Jun 19, 2012

My Family!

Family... Some of the most important people in everyones life. What does Family have to do with health and fitness you may be thinking, They bring happiness and happiness is a big part of health.
To me my family are the most important people in my life They are always there for me and support me in everything, they also give me there opinion on things and kick me into line when needed. I have a big family my mums side is Italian and my dads side is Australian most of mums family live in WA and same with dads. Im very close with everyone both sides of family get on so well we are like 1 big family. They are people that always can make me smile. I feel like It is a good thing to catch up once a week and thats what we do. Your family should be people you can Turn to.
My boyfriend who I have been with for 2 years now has been super amazing. I met him when I was out one night at a bar and I played the hard to get girl but from the moment we started talking I knew he was a great guy. We are so a
like, Im a tomboy at heart Im a personal trainer I love to exercise, love sport ANY SPORT, Surfing and the beach, we share the same hobbies so we have a great relationship and I love him so much!

Thanks for reading! Prt 2 coming soon! Xx Jessica

Jun 16, 2012

Being a Personal Trainer

Being a personal trainer to me is the best job in the world. Im helping people achieve there goals I get to see people change from an overweight person with an unhealthy lifestyle to becoming fit and healthy and I get to be apart of that, its so amazing. I train 12 or more clients a day, some sessions are group sessions with 2-5 people that are more bootcamp ourdoor style training but I do take them in the gym, I also do one one with my clients. I sit down with my clients once a week and discuss diet plans and their progress, I think this is so important. I believe that you should vary clients training from indoor to outdoor to boxing to cardio I make sure they are doing different things. Helping people is so amazing and thats what makes me get up at 5:30am or 5:00am or even sometimes 4:30 or 4:45am. How I became a PT was I went to TAFE and got my certificate III in fitness then I got my certificate IV in fitness which were great courses. Then I became a PT at an old school gym with only around 3 other PT's, it was such a great learning experience I worked there for about 7 months then a great job came up at the gym I work at now which includes Old school and New school sections Its great I have been working here for 3 years now and I have loved every minute. I have made such great friends with other PT's at my gym and im great friends with some of clients. I really recomend becoming a personal trainer lots of early wakeups but its great. Thanks for reading Xx Jessica

Jun 11, 2012

You Still Have to Have FUN!

Watching your weight or living a healthy lifestyle doesn't you cant go out for dinner or have a night with friends. So many people think you can't do this. I tell my clients you can still go out but choose the healthy option, all restaurants have healthy things on there menu and they taste amazing too. Whether it is a steak and chips and salad ask for potato instead or just leave some of your chips or it could be some sort of pasta chose a tomato based pasta instead of creamy. You wont feel like you are missing out. Another thing I tell my clients who are not trying to loose weight is the rule of one treat meal a week, I do this as well. I usally do alot of social things with friends and family on weekends and even during the week but I usally save my treat meal to the weekend. I plan around that meal. Say if I know im going out to dinner on Saturday with friends I will say right I will have my treat meal then and If I know im going to mums the next day for lunch unfortunatly I have to miss out on dessert! For a treat meal have whatever you want if you want a creamy pasta dish or a cheese burger from maccas or a cremé brulé HAVE IT! its a treat meal but make sure you work out the next day! This is way of still having fun a glass of wine or a beer and have you deserve it after a week if eating well and exercising! Thanks for reading Xx Jessica